发布时间:2024-07-19 09:48:33
The combination of Chinese and Western calligraphy art requires free communication, dissemination, learning and creation.
艺术无声,却蕴含着丰富多维的情感与思想;艺术无香,却隽永了数千年历史文明的璀璨精华;艺术无疆,却能穿越时间与空间的限阈,打破国家和民族的边界。易安居草堂致力于东西文化的互补交融,让书法艺术在全球各地人民的时间、空间中水乳交融。Art is silent, but contains the most abundant and multidimensional emotions and thoughts; art has no fragrance, but the splendid essence of thousands of years of historical civilization; art is boundless, but can cross the limits of time and space, break the boundary of country and nation.“The humble cottage to live easily”is committed to the complementarity and integration of eastern and western cultures, so that the art of calligraphy integrates in the time and space of people all over the world.
学习中西合璧民间书法艺术,重在艺术追求,表达真情实感。英文字母组合千变万化,英文内容丰富有趣,表现形式多姿多彩。只要坚持用心去创作,便可以写出自然与宁静,写出自信与人生,写出美与爱,写出快乐与灵动。Learn the combination of Chinese and Western folk calligraphy art, focus on the pursuit of art, to express the true feelings. The English letter combination changes greatly, the English content is rich and interesting, and the form of expression is colorful. As long as you adhere to the heart to create, you can write nature and tranquility, write confidence and life, write beauty and love, write happiness and clever.