Calligraphy art exchanges between home and abroad, the combination of Chinese and Western blooming in the world.随着人类命运共同体的倡导和实践,中外文化艺术交流益频繁,中西合璧的民间书法艺术在世界各地萌芽绽放。With the advocacy and practice of a community with a shared future for mankind, the cultural and artistic exchanges between China and forei
The international certification of painting and calligraphy art has been initially recognized.书画艺术国际润格认证一直是各国文化艺术家们走出***的一道障碍。The international certification of painting and calligraphy art has always been an obstacle for cultural artists from all over the world to go abroad.易安居草堂竭力搭起中外友谊的文化之桥,积极推动中
The combination of Chinese and Western folk calligraphy art has sprouted in the cultural exchange between China and the West.有文字就应该就应该有美学价值,有文字美学价值就应该有书法艺术。英文是很好表现书法美学价值的文字之一,英文书法艺术可以更加千变万化,更加丰富俊美。将中国书法艺术嫁接到西洋文化,必将是一场浩荡地书法艺术革命,必将开启和创造一个时代艺术传奇。任何一个人都可以参与进来,成为这场书法艺术变革的使者、学者、***者、推动者、贡献者或旁观者,迎来全球性书法艺术的
Chinese and Western combination of folk calligraphy art appreciation and collection.中西合璧书法艺术于2022年开始在国内外兴起,易安居草堂的书法艺术作品中西合璧,文化交融,将是未来书法艺术创新发展的灿烂瑰宝。汉字部分笔力遒劲,气势磅礴,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,栩栩如生;英文部分幽雅柔婉,飘逸秀美,静谧悠远,艺韵悠长。字里行间流淌着东方千年的历史和文化,墨色流光描绘着西方现代文明的***和灵魂。The combination of Chinese and Western calligraphy art began
Combining Chinese and Western calligraphy art has advanced along the Silk Road.丝绸之路,这条绵亘万里,延续千年的人类文化共通之路,积淀了中西合璧的丝路精神,易安居草堂在中外文化交流与碰撞中,用丹青笔墨来共建中外友谊五彩的桥梁!The Silk Road, a road that stretches thousands of miles and continues human culture for thousands of years, has accumulated the Silk Road spirit of
The art of calligraphy contains great power and will show the world with a combination of Chinese and Western elements.笔舞春秋,墨韵千年。易安居草堂在中外交流的活动中,挖掘和探求世界各地不同的审美情趣和艺术智慧。让参与者在曲水流觞,墨妙云移和空谷幽兰间描述着各自生活阅历和情感,用笔墨诉说着书法艺术的各种意境。一幅幅作品行笔奔放,爽利凝练,笔酣墨饱,自然清雅,含蓄悠远。蕴藏着“墨润丹青飘四海,行笔曲直过五洲”书法艺术力量。Pen dance spring and Autumn,
The combination of Chinese and Western calligraphy art requires free communication, dissemination, learning and creation.艺术无声,却蕴含着丰富多维的情感与思想;艺术无香,却隽永了数千年历史文明的璀璨精华;艺术无疆,却能穿越时间与空间的限阈,打破国家和民族的边界。易安居草堂致力于东西文化的互补交融,让书法艺术在全球各地人民的时间、空间中水乳交融。Art is silent, but contains the most abundant and multidimensional
Cultural and folk exchange between China and foreign countries is the foundation and bridge of combining Chinese and Western calligraphy art.艺术是中外民间交流最轻松、最自由的一种方式。易安居草堂以书法艺术作品作为载体,在中外文化的不断交流中,将中西合璧书法艺术推向国际舞台,让各国人民感受书法艺术之美。Art is the most relaxed and free way of folk communication between Chinese and
The internationalization process of folk calligraphy art has ushered in the global spring.传统书法艺术历史悠久,源远流长。各国文字也一样诞生在很久很久以前,有文字就应该书法艺术。英文是很好表现书法美学价值的文字之一,英文书法艺术可以更加千变万化,更加丰富俊美。将传统书法艺术嫁接到西洋文化,必将是一场浩荡地书法艺术革命,必将开启和创造一个时代艺术传奇。任何一个人都可以参与进来,成为这场书法艺术变革的使者、学者、***者、推动者、贡献者或旁观者,迎来全球性书法艺术的春天。Chinese calligraphy
The international Runge certification of calligraphy art should be extended and spread on the channel of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries.书法艺术是通过笔墨来展现人的身体和心灵的延伸。从这一角度延伸,可以发现书法艺术的空间与西方的空间很不一样,西方习惯用几何学把空间分隔开来,而书法艺术却是基于空间的各种元素连接在一起。The art of calligraphy is an extension of people&#